Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men. And this is impressive even against the background of the fact that the actual number of patients suffering from this disease is much higher than the registered statistics. This is explained by the fact that prostatitis can occur in a latent state and the peculiarities of the diagnosis.
What does the prostate look like?
It is a small glandular-muscular organ. Located in the pelvic area below the bladder, it captures the initial portion of the urethra.
The function of the gland is to produce secretion that maintains the viability of sperm under various adverse conditions by mixing with sperm.
What is the prostate in men? Prostatitis is characterized by a number of disorders related to the urinary system, erectile function, decreased libido and other problems.
The lack of timely and proper treatment is fraught with sad consequences: one in four patients may experience one form or another of infertility, as the prostate gland loses its ability to produce the required amount of reliable secretion to ensure sperm motility.
Distinctive symptoms of prostatitis in men may be present not only in this disease, but also in prostate adenoma, a malignant tumor!
What can be the first "bell" of the disease? The variability of the manifestations complicates the diagnosis, which is why it is not always possible to immediately determine the presence of the disease. Bacterial prostatitis in its initial symptoms differs from the type of viral origin, such differences are characteristic of the acute and chronic course of the disease.
At the same time, there are basic symptoms that should attract the patient's attention:
- Problems urinating. It becomes difficult and painful. This may indicate the initial symptoms of exacerbation. The reason lies in the obstruction of the urethra by an inflamed and enlarged prostate. Lack of timely measures leads to deterioration of well-being due to complete closure of the ureter.
- Sexual disorders. They are characterized by a weakening of orgasm and erection.
The listed disorders associated with this disease are far from the only ones and may be just one of the first signs of exacerbation.
Along with them there are the following signs:
- discharge from the urethra;
- floating threads in the urine;
- specific sensations during bowel movements;
- unpleasant burning sensation in the perineum.
Diversity is a hallmark of this disease. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the first symptoms of prostatitis in men with chronic bacterial form from acute.
The causes of prostatitis in men lie in a sedentary lifestyle, colds of the genitourinary system.
Characteristics of different forms of prostatitis
The disease can occur in four of the most common forms.
Acute bacterial. It is usually diagnosed in patients under the age of thirty. The disease is characterized by fever - the temperature in prostatitis is up to 38 C and more.
As a result of prostate edema, the following is observed:
- acute retention, as well as frequency and pain when urinating;
- prolonged flow;
- groin discomfort;
- erectile dysfunction.
Symptoms of sudden prostatitis sometimes include general malaise, apathy.
Chronic bacterial. This form is characteristic of older patients. The disease progresses more slowly, but may be exacerbated if there are factors that contribute to it. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.
Non-bacterial. Although it is not possible to detect the presence of bacteria, this circumstance does not exclude their presence.
prostatodynia. It is characterized by thickening of the prostate tissue without inflammatory symptoms in it.
How to determine
Before prescribing effective treatment, the disease must be identified.

An important place in diagnostics is given to the integrated approach:
- Collection of anamnesis. To get a reliable picture of the course of the disease, the doctor determines: the nature of the pain, the presence of secretions, sexual problems. Rectal ring analysis is performed, which reveals the degree of swelling and soreness of the prostate gland.
- Laboratory researches. It is often impossible to identify the disease without them. This is especially true for chronic bacterial prostatitis. To determine the cause, a urine culture is prescribed, this helps to determine the pathogen that contributes to the exacerbation. Three urine samples were compared for reliability. Sometimes a biopsy and secretion analysis may be needed. Venous blood is also analyzed for ESR content and white blood cell count.
- Ultrasound examination. Tomography (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging). These tests are performed both on the prostate and on neighboring organs.
How it is treated
Important! The drug is prescribed by a urologist. You can not engage in "self-appointment" - it will only worsen the course of the disease!
The modern method of treating the disease in men is diverse. You can completely cure the prostate if you see a doctor in time.
The choice of form and methods is consistent with the degree of complexity, the time of the disease, the well-being of the patient and the characteristics of his body.
The appointment of procedures that can be performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital depends on this.
The treatment regimens for acute and chronic prostatitis in the exacerbation phase are practically similar. With timely and adequate treatment, the acute form is completely cured, the chronic reaches long-term remission.
Important! Only an integrated approach to treatment wins the disease - do not ignore the advice of any doctor!
Drug therapy
Drug treatment consists of antibiotics, nonsteroidal painkillers, alpha-blockers. The former, as a rule, are used to treat the bacterial form.

In the chronic course of the disease, alpha-blockers are prescribed to reduce prostate swelling and relieve pain.
Important! It is recommended that you use the pill throughout the course, which is usually at least six months, and do not stop earlier, even when you feel better.
Non-steroidal drugs - for the treatment of acute forms.

It is considered an effective treatment. Improves blood supply to glandular tissues when used in combination with other treatments, significantly increases the effectiveness of antibacterial and topical therapy.
Thanks to digital stimulation, it helps the secretion of secretions from the prostate, which facilitates further self-discharge through the urethra.
Despite the fact that patients often experience discomfort from the procedure, it is not recommended to neglect the massage.
Attention! It is forbidden to use massage procedures in case of acute form of the disease - this is fraught with the spread of infection!
With the help of acupuncture and other methods improves the work of the central nervous system, normalizes blood flow and metabolic processes in the body. Reflexology helps to relieve neuralgic pain, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. It is recommended that this procedure be performed in combination with other treatments.
This method is also used in the treatment of prostatitis. The use of leeches helps to increase blood and lymph flow to the prostate and normalize its functioning.
Rectal suppositories
They directly affect the lesion site, making them highly effective. The antispasmodics, anabolic steroids and antibacterial substances they contain are good for preventing exacerbations.
The effect of ichthyol and sea buckthorn suppositories is high.
Immune correction
Every patient with this disease is advised to strengthen the immune system. This helps to increase the body's resistance, helps to slow down the development of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis. The complex must use:
- natural methods - active exercise, walks in the fresh air, hardening;
- natural immunomodulators - ginseng, echinacea and others;
- multivitamin complexes.
Surgical intervention
At one time, they often resorted to surgical treatment. However, in some cases this did not bring high efficiency. In recent years, surgical procedures have been used mainly for prostate abscesses or narrowing of the urethra.
Thirty years of age is already an occasion to think about our health. Among patients who have passed this age limit, one in three suffers from prostatitis, and after 50 - every second. And this trend continues to this day.
Now that you know the first signs of prostatitis in men and its treatment, to avoid the disease and further transition to a chronic form, you should be regularly examined by a doctor for timely detection. What to do with prostatitis and where to go every patient should know.